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Linguistica Quechua Cerron Palomino.pdf

Linguistica Quechua Cerron Palomino

Quechua is a family of languages spoken by millions of people in the Andean region of South America, especially in Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia, and Argentina. It is the most widely spoken indigenous language in the continent and has a rich and diverse history, culture, and literature. However, Quechua also faces many challenges and threats, such as discrimination, marginalization, assimilation, and language loss. Therefore, it is important to study and document the linguistic features, varieties, and evolution of Quechua, as well as to promote its preservation and revitalization.

One of the most influential and respected scholars of Quechua linguistics is Rodolfo Cerrón-Palomino, a Peruvian linguist who has dedicated his academic career to the description, analysis, and classification of Quechua languages. He is the author of several books and articles on various aspects of Quechua linguistics, such as phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, sociolinguistics, historical linguistics, and comparative linguistics. He is also an advocate of Quechua education and literacy, and has developed pedagogical materials and dictionaries for Quechua speakers and learners.

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One of his most comprehensive and influential works is Linguistica Quechua, a book that provides an overview of the linguistic structure, diversity, and history of Quechua languages. The book was first published in 1987 by the Centro de Estudios Rurales Andinos "Bartolomé de las Casas" in Cusco, Peru, and has been reprinted several times since then. The book is divided into three parts: the first part deals with the phonological system of Quechua languages; the second part covers the morphosyntactic features of Quechua languages; and the third part discusses the historical development and dialectal variation of Quechua languages. The book also includes an appendix with a list of Quechua words and their etymologies.

The book is written in Spanish and is intended for both specialists and general readers who are interested in learning more about Quechua languages. The book is based on extensive empirical data collected by Cerrón-Palomino from various sources, such as fieldwork, oral tradition, written documents, and previous studies. The book also incorporates theoretical insights from different linguistic frameworks, such as generative grammar, functional grammar, typology, and historical linguistics. The book is praised for its clarity, rigor, depth, and originality by many reviewers and scholars.

Linguistica Quechua Cerron Palomino.pdf is a digital version of the book that can be accessed online or downloaded for free from various websites. The pdf file has 426 pages and contains the full text of the book with illustrations, tables, charts, maps, examples, exercises, footnotes, references, and indexes. The pdf file also has some advantages over the printed version, such as being searchable, zoomable, printable, and portable. However, the pdf file also has some limitations and drawbacks, such as being low-quality, incomplete, outdated, or unauthorized.

In conclusion, Linguistica Quechua Cerron Palomino.pdf is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn more about Quechua languages from a linguistic perspective. It is a comprehensive and authoritative work that covers many aspects of Quechua linguistics in a clear and accessible way. It is also a testament to the scholarly contribution and dedication of Rodolfo Cerrón-Palomino to the study and promotion of Quechua languages.


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